Monday, May 14, 2012

What To Do With Immodest Tops

It may sound silly to some, but I love hand-me-downs. Or, as my family has labled it, bless-me-downs. But there have been times when I have opened up a bag or box of very immodest clothes. Some had to be tossed. But others? I could work with.

Take this tank below. I do not wear spagetti strap tops OR tank tops like this alone. However, I do wear this top and many more like it under another blouse or cardigan. I actually love this top because it has a higher neck than most and it doesn't dip like so many do. Also, being white, I can wear it under just about any color top. I can dress it up or dress it down.

This is just one small example of what to do with immodest tops. Use the layering method. Wear it under another (modest) top!

This post is linked to: The Modest Mom

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