The call of Christ to every Christian - both young and old - is to GO! When Jesus left, He gave us a job to do. While we await the coming of the Lord, we are commanded to be Christ's hands and feet here on earth; to be His eyes and the very mouthpeice of the God who says, "Come unto Me!"
They don't know!! The world is dying without the saving grace of our Savior and they don't know! Christians, let us die to self so that we may live and bring forth fruit.
If you are here, then you are likely one of those who knows what it feels like to be betrayed, abused, abandoned, and completely shattered. This isn’t something I had planned or ever wanted to write but in the providence of God, here I am, very intimidated but yet willing to share my brokenness with you in hopes that you can discover the same kind of treasures I found in my journey.
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