Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thankful || Week Four

22. Compassion. I am so grateful for compassion. Our God is compassionate and longsuffering, not willing that any should perish. And boy am I thankful for that. When I was naked and dirty and soaked in sin, He had compassion on me. He even left His glory in Heaven and came down to the earth and put on flesh - the same flesh that smells and sweats and sins. He had that much compassion for me. I pray that I will always be singing a song of thanksgiving for what He has done. And I pray that I can show that same compassion to others.

23. Truth. Truth is being avoided these days. Of course, it goes back to the fall of Adam, but it seems as though, as the end draws closer and closer, that truth is shunned more and more.....and more. Absolute truth? HA! They say, "Hey, if it's true for you, that's fine. But this is me and this is my truth." Seriously? What a flawed theology. I am thankful that I was given truth - at an early age. I am thankful that the Lord made truth available to me and that I accepted it. Yeah, it hurts sometimes but, from experience, truth WILL ALWAYS set you free.

24. Health. We take our health for granted. Or well, I do, anyway. In the past couple of months, I have been more diligent in thanking God every day for my health. Grant's grandmother is fighting cancer as I type this. Its reminded me of my grandfather's battle with cancer four years ago. Life is fragile. I have been so blessed with good health and, even more so, my family has been blessed with good health. My husband is well. My little boy is well. My parents are well. My sisters are well. I am thankful for that. Even when I am sick, I am grateful to not be in ICU or in physical rehab learning to walk again. Those of us who woke up today in our own bed in our own home need to be thankful, and remember that there are thousands who woke up today in a hospital room or on the streets in the freezing cold. Those of us who woke up today and saw our husband and children need to be thankful, and remember that some woke up today without either. Those of us who woke up today with good health need to thank the Lord, and remember that so many who are battling cancer and debilitating diseases. I am thankful for the health God has blessed me and my family with....and I pray I won't ever take it for granted again.
25. Hugs. I love hugs. You know on those days when you really feel rotten and somebody gives you a big 'ole hug? Doesn't it make you feel lots better? It does me. I have those kind of friends who, when we see other, we hug. I treasure that. When I visit my family, there are hugs all around! When we say goodbye, there are many, many more hugs! I hug my son all....the.....time. He better get used to it, too. :) I love my husband's hugs. When I'm hurt or frustrated and he hugs me, nothing seems that bad anymore. When I'm almost asleep and I feel him hug me in HIS sleep, there's no better feeling. When I'm goofing off and he hugs me for the heck of it, it's awesome. I'm thankful for the hugs of my family and friends. And I'm also thankful for the BIG hug Christ gave me when He saved me too. :)

26. Wisdom. I am thankful that I have "the only wise God" (Jude 1:25) and that he gave me wise parents. When Solomon was told by God that He would give him whatever he asked for, Solomon asked for wisdom. Wow. Who would chose wisdom over wealth and fame and prestige?? Solomon did. And boy did he get it! He was the wisest man to ever live. Proverbs emphasises the need for wisdom and understanding and truth. I want that too. I would rather be wise than rich or good looking. I am thankful that the Lord offers wisdom to those who ask for it. He will give wisdom liberally to those who lack, if, as James 1:6 says, we "ask in faith, nothing wavering."

27. Movie nights. Growing up, my family had tons of movie nights. We would eat supper than cram into the living room and watch a movie together, complete with popcorn and, sometimes, cookies. I miss "cramming" into that room watching movies but now my husband and I have our own movie nights. Every so often, we'll sit Nathan on the couch with us and curl up together and watch a good movie. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but those of you who cherish the little things (and those of you who come from big families) probably relate. I love those memories. Laughing. Looking at each other with a "what's-going-to-happen-next?" look on our faces. Trying to figure out the plot. It's special to me....and I'm thankful for it.

28. Cards, letters, and e-mails. I'm thankful for mail in my mailbox! NOT junk mail. NOT spam. NOT bills. None of that stuff. I'm talking about the "I was just thinking about you" cards. The letters that fill you in on your friend or family's life. E-mails that say, "Hey! How you doing?" Those are special. Now, when time is something people try to rush through, knowing that someone stopped and thought of you long enough to write (or type) a note down....that's priceless. And I'm thankful for it.

29. Prayer. Prayer changes things. So often we make prayer the last resort. You know, "If all else fails, then we'll pray and hope for the best." That isn't how it ought to be. Prayer should always be the FIRST thing we do. It's a mighty weapon that God has given to us. It's approaching the throne of Heaven and speaking to the Lord of all creation. .....and THAT'S our last resort?? So silly. I have to be reminded often that prayer should be my default. I have seen the power of prayer. I have seen people miraculously healed. I have seen marriages on the brink of divorce (and after a divorce) be restored. I have seen amazing things but the key to it all was prayer. I am thankful that we can come before God with our petitions - great and small. I'm thankful that we can praise Him. I'm thankful that we can thank Him. I am thankful for prayer and the power it holds.

30. Thankfulness. Can you be thankful for thankfulness? I think so. I'm THANKFUL that we CAN be thankful. Does that make sense? ** Doesn't matter, I'm gonna do it anyway. :p *** I am thankful for so many things.... more than I can count. I have breath in my body. I have a home and family. I have friends. I have a work and a ministry. I have passions. I have the promise of Heaven. I have so.... much. And I'm thankful to be thankful. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankful || Week Three

15. Forgiveness. I am thankful that the Lord God of all forgives me. He forgave me long ago for all my sins and He saved me. But that wasn't a one-time thing. He kept forgiving. Every fall, every fail, every doubt, every sin....He still forgives. I am thankful to have a husband who forgives me when I am a selfish person. I am thankful that he can look past my flaws and still love me....and forgive me when I think I'm unforgivable. I am thankful for my parents who, when raising me, would always forgive my disobedience and who showed me the love and forgiveness of God before I ever came to know Him. All in all, forgiveness is a beautiful, humbling thing...and I'm thankful for it.

16. Music. On a down day, a song can lift my spirits. On a day when I'm thinking about myself, a song can remind me that this life isn't about me. A song can make me dance around the room or burst into tears (literally). A song can convict me. A song can encourage me. A song can inspire me and make me push myself to be a better servant of the Lord. I love music. Always have. I'm thankful the Lord gave us voices as well as the harps, guitars, pianos, trumpets, drums and all the countless other instruments that we can use to make a joyful noise unto Him.

17. My quiet time. When I am weak in my faith, it means I haven't spent quality alone time with Jesus. When I am doubtful, skeptical of His promises, and worrisome, it's proof that I have not spent time at His feet. I have noticed that I am the most irrational and quick-tempered person when I haven't made time for the Lord. On days when I am still and quiet and open my heart to Him and what He has to teach me and show me, I have found that the day goes by more joyfully, more peacefully, and I am more graceful and kind to my family. I am SO thankful that I have a God who will speak to me - His creation. I am thankful that He listens and cares about the most minute' details of my life and that He desires to lead me, teach me, mature me, and work in and through me.

18. The holiday season. I love Thanksgiving. I simply adore Christmastime. I love it when the air is a little colder and the leaves begin to fall. I love seeing the pumpkins, tasting sweet potato pie, walking on the crunchy leaves, breaking out my jackets and gloves, eating turkey and stuffing, and listening to Christmas music. I love buying and making gifts. I love wrapping them and putting them under the tree. I love decorating the house. I love baking Christmas cookies. I love it all. I am thankful for the feeling that comes with this time of year. I'm thankful that the Lord led our ancestors here, to America, and blessed our nation with freedom. I am thankful that He sent His Son to this earth to save us. I am thankful for every year that He gives us and blesses us with.

19. Laughter. What would life look like without laughter? I simply LOVE to laugh. I love fellowshipping with family and friends and, with many of them, we could spend hours just laughing! The Christian life is not an easy road. There are choices to be made that go against our flesh. There are paths that must be taken that will be opposite of the paths taken by friends and, at times, even family. The Christian life is all about dying to self...and that's just painful. It's uncomfortable. Many times, it's hurtful. But there is such joy and freedom in Christ and in the daily crucifixion of self. There is joy on the lonely road, there is joy in the peace that comes with following in the footsteps of Jesus. It's a hard life, but it's a fun life! It's an exciting life! I am thankful that I have "the joy of my salvation!"

20. My past. Yes, I have a past too....and I'm thankful for it. No matter how we were raised or how much good we have done, we ALL still have baggage. We ALL have things in our past that are shameful. I am not thankful for the sins in my past. I am not thankful for the choices I made that went against the Lord. I am not thankful for my disobedience at any time. However, I AM thankful that through the bad, the Lord made good. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Though the Lord despises and hates sin, He is such a longsuffering God in that He will make something good come out the bad for those who have a broken and contrite heart (a repentative heart). I am thankful for that.

21. My future. I'm the type that likes to plan. Coping with change is difficult for me. It's a struggle to trust my future in the Lord's hands and I'm ashamed of my faithlessness. Yet however my emotions feel about the issue, I'm thankful that my HEAD knows the truth. I am thankful that even when my feelings are full of worry, my head knows that all is well as long as it's in the Lord's grasp. I have no idea what is ahead of me. I don't know what our future looks like. I don't know if my husband and I will stay here forever or if the Lord will call us away overseas. I don't know if we will be blessed with more children or if Nathan will be the only arrow in our quiver. I don't know if we will all live to see the rapture or if I will have to say goodbye to members of my family. I don't know how bumpy the road will become. I don't know how harsh the wind will get. BUT I do know that no matter how bad the storm gets or how beautiful the rainbow is, the Lord is in control. He is with me today...and He will be with me tomorrow. And I am so very thankful for that.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The True Meaning of Thanksgiving

As we cook the turkey and visit with family and friends, let us remember what this day truly means. And let us be thankful for all that God has done!...not just this day.... but every day.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thankful || Week Two

On to week #2 of my Thankful list. It's good to remember all the blessings the Lord has rained down on us. AND it's good to proclaim it, as well!

8. My friends. There was a period in my life when I was a teenager when I had no friends. It lasted quite a long time. Then, out of nowhere, God began dropping amazing people into my life! Now, I am so blessed to say that I have many friends who are seeking the Lord. I have many friends who love Jesus and are passionate about purity. I won't attempt to name them all, but they know who they are and I am blessed and thankful to be able to call them my friends.

9. My ministry. I grew up in an Evangelist home. Buses, Churches, people's homes....I grew up in those places. I grew up with music and Bible studies. I grew up in a ministry that is still going strong, even after 42 years! I am thankful that I was raised in it. I am thankful I am still a part of it! And as Paul said, "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry."

10. My Church. I love Church. Like I said, I was raised in Churches. And I am thankful for our home Church and the family it has. I love each member. I love the spirit there. And I am thankful that I know that truth will always be preached and taught there!

11. My country. I have been overseas. I have been to several countries... but none compare to mine. I am thankful to be born and raised in the good 'ole USA. I am thankful for the foundation our country was founded upon. Though our country is far from where we first began, I consider it an honor to be a U.S. citizen and I will gladly defend our nation because, whether the pledge of allegiance tosses it or not, we are and always will be One Nation Under God. I am thankful for my freedom that millions do not have. I am thankful for those who have served and have given their lives for my right to have this blog and speak truth. I am thankful for America.

12. My gifts and talents. The Lord gave each person gifts and talents. Everyone is unique and everyone was created for a specific and special purpose. And, like a body, each member has its own use. I am thankful that the Lord gave me the gifts and talents that I have. I love to sing. I love to write. And I am so grateful and thankful that He not only gave me the gifts and talents I posses, but He has also given me the honor of USING them for His glory.

13. My pets. I love animals. I have had kittens and puppies and ponies and cows and pigs (yes, I had a pig) and I am thankful that I have been able to enjoy the fun of having pets! Currently, I have a horse down at my folks' house which I am anxious to move up here once we get a place. I have a cat who roams around outside and keeps mice out of our house. :) And my husband and I have *ahem* several dogs outside, most of which are his huntin' dogs. But I am thankful for them too! I love watching them play and chase Grant around the yard and I can't wait until Nathan is chasing THEM around the backyard.

14. Hardships and Trials. It sounds strange but I am actually thankful for the hard times. I am learning that it is in the most difficult moments that we draw closer to the Lord. We learn to trust Him more. We learn to let go. We learn that He is truly our comforter. We learn that He will sustain us and uphold us. We may be terrified, but then we learn that He is our Peace. We may be broken, but then we learn that He is our Healer. We may be weak and tired, but then we learn that His grace is sufficient. I have had my share of horrible storms that I did not think I would live through. But I am THANKFUL for those times! One of my favorite songs includes the line, "What if my greatest disappointments and aching of this life is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy?" I am thankful that His blessings and His mercies and His love are sometimes born from hardships. If that's what it takes to learn more about my Savior and to draw ever closer to Him, then I'll embrace it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thankful || Week One

On Facebook, many of my friends are posting something that they are thankful for each day. Grant and I have been away for several days and so I am behind. Therefore, I plan to do my Thanksgiving list weekly, instead of daily. So here is week one of some of the things I am most thankful for:

1. My Savior. I am thankful to have a God who forgives, who saves, who heals, who loves, and who is everything I need. My whole life, I was raised with Jesus in front of me, but....He is more than my Sunday School story. He is so much more than the songs my family and I sing. He is more than the words written in my Bible. He is more than my "Blesser" and "Leader." To me He is becoming, more and more each day, my everything. And I am so thankful that when I trip and fall flat on my face in the mud of a hog pen, He still wants me and He still loves me. I am thankful that He chose to save me and give me eternal life; that He redeemed "an old sinner like me."

2. My husband. I am thankful to have a man who is loyal and faithful. We fell in love, we had a beautiful wedding, and we made a precious little boy... He is my dearest friend and my earthly rock. We have had some trying moments. The first year of marriage is always hard, learning to adjust to each other. Add to that a pregnancy and the birth of a baby - all before the one-year mark and.... it's trying. It's emotional. It's overwhelming. But I am so thankful that God gave me a man who loves me when I'm unlovable; who provides and cares for us; and who is an amazing example of strength and grace. God knew exactly what He was doing when He brought us together. He knew that we would compliment one another and that - together - we would be stronger. I am so thankful for the honor of being Grant's wifey! :)......and for the immense delight in calling him mine. ;)

3. My little boy. I am thankful to hold in my arms the cutest, sweetest, most adorable little boy on the planet. I was overjoyed to learn I was pregnant last year, but I was also terrified to my core! I was afraid that I wouldn't be a good enough mom. I was afraid that something may happen to him while I carried him in my womb. I was even selfishly afraid that once a baby came into the picture, I would have no more freedom to have fun. How ridiculous! Nathan is heaven in my arms. I am humbled that God chose me to be his mommy and I am, and forever will be, thankful that I am.

4. My parents. I am thankful to have been given Godly parents. True, Godly fathers and mothers are a rarity these days but, by the grace of God, I was given two of the very best. I am thankful that they taught me to stand firm upon the Word of God, even though I may stand alone. I am thankful that they brought me up in Church, and also lived it at home. I am thankful for the legacy that they have and will leave behind. They have endured much over the years but, through everything, they have remained fully committed to Jesus Christ and for their great example of Godliness, I am thankful.

5. My sisters. I am thankful to have five beautiful, sweet, hilarious, and completely entertaining sisters! When I was five years old, I prayed and prayed (on a nightly basis, I'm told) for a little sister. I wanted a little sister more than anything and...well, I suppose God has a sense of humor because He gave me FIVE of them! But I wouldn't have it any other way. Melody is so witty, and she is gorgeous both inside and out. She has a firm resolve but is so gentle and kind. Mercy simply captivates me with her humor that often leaves me aching from laughing so hard. I love her personality and her ability to make everyone feel like they are at home. Brooklyn amazes me with her creativity and her knowledge of everything. She has a hungry to learn and she is my book-buddy! Jamie has rendered me speechless over and over again by her boldness. She can easily walk up to someone and tell them about Jesus - and she's 11 years old! And Noel.... she is truly a gift that I'm sure we all didn't know we needed. I have found myself looking up to them and viewing them as some of my biggest role models. I am so thankful God answered that five-year old girl's prayers.

6. My family and extended family. I am thankful for my blood-kin and for my in-laws; My grandparents, my uncles and aunts, my cousins, and my husband's family who have taken me in as their own. Each one is special. Each one is dear to me. I love sitting in their company and making memories. I am so thankful for all the fun, laughter, stories, history, and just plain 'ole good times that have been shared.

7. My home. I am thankful for the home I had as a child and, now, for the home I have made with my little family. It's cozy. It's homey. It's clean (most of the time). It's relaxing. It's special. It's perfect. I'm thankful that God has given me a beautiful little place that is a million times more than what countless millions of others have. I am so blessed and am thankful for the roof over my head, food in the pantry, clothes in our closets, and for the little luxuries I often take for granted.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

I am thankful for...

1. My God, my Savior, my Redeemer and my King. He provides, He heals, He forgives, He strengthens, He teaches, and He saves.
2. The salvation He gave me
3. My wonderful husband who is faithful to me, who loves me, and who leads me closer to Christ.
4. Our little boy, Nathan James, who will be here in April!
5. My parents who brought me up in Church and who taught me about Jesus.
6. My sisters who make me laugh and cry at the same time.
7. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, my fun cousins, and my new in-laws.
8. My Church family.
9. My sweet "sister friends" who are truly kindred spirits (Anna, Sarah S, Michelle, Sarah F, Rachelle, etc)
10. The opportunity to travel and tell people about Jesus through word and song.
11. My home. My quaint little house that is perfect for my little family.
12. My country. The good 'ole USA.
13. Freedom.
14. Christmas!
15. .....everything else that won't come to mind now, but will after I post this. :)

It's sad, but most everyone waits until Thanksgiving to dwell on all the things they are thankful for. Unfortunately, I am pretty much one of them. Oh, I know what I am thankful for all year, but rarely do I sit down and really dwell on all blessings God has given. Rarely do I just sit back and praise Him for His goodness. Rarely do I take a moment and just declare to the whole world how good my God is and how thankful I am to be His child. I would put that on my New Years' Resolution list, but I am going to begin now!

As you gather with family and friends and eat up the turkey, the dressing, the corn, the cranberry sauce, the rolls, the pumpkin and pecan pies, and all the various other "yummies" of Thanksgiving, remember to genuinely praise and thank our God for all His blessings. As my grandfather used to say so often, "God is big....and He's GOOD."

Do The Turkey!

Turkey in Yo Belly Time!

I couldn't resist.....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For

Here we are....Thanksgiving Day 2009. If you'll alow me, I'd like to jot down a small list (and, indeed, it is small) of things I am most thankful for this year. I'd encourage you all to do the same. :)

I'm thankful for...

* God's unconditional love, His grace, and Salvation
* The Word of God given to us for hope, wisdom, instruction, etc.
* The greatest Dad in all the world
* The best Momma in all the world
* The cutest, silliest, most wonderful sisters
* My grandmothers, aunts, uncles, and cousins
* My fiance' who is my best friend
* The Ministry my family surrendered to years ago
* Our Campground and all the good God has done through it
* The ability to "go and tell the world"
* The strength to endure whatever comes
* The opportunity to travel around the world
* All the gifts and talents God has blessed me with
* All the people I've been privileged to meet & sing with
* The opportunity to be on the radio and reach people for Jesus that way
* The hardships, trials, persecution, etc. ("consider it joy...")
* The craziest friends EVER!! (but also the best too :)
* Moments of love, unity, and prayer with my friends
* The opportunity to witness and see souls saved!
* The cards, e-mails, phone calls, & chats that make life sweeter
* The nights of watching movies with my family
* The wisdom talks from my Dad
* My prayer warriors and soul sisters...they know who they are :)
* My beautiful horse, my cute little kitty, and all our other pets
* God's provision
* My circle of gal-pals who encourage and strengthen me
* My home
* My Church
* Living in this Country
* The freedom to worship my God
* The gift of music
* The spirit of love and giving that comes this time of year.

It's quite a task, unfortunately, remembering these things all year. Sadly, we tend to only think of thankfulness at...well... Thanksgiving. But we should keep them in remembrance all throughout the year.

My uncle taught me this Hebrew song many years ago...

Hodu la' Adonai ki tov.
Ki le'olam chasdo.
Hodu la' Adonai ki tov.
Ki le'olam chasdo.

Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good.
For His everlasting Grace.
Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good.
For His everlasting Grace.

Let us give thanks where it is due this Thanksgiving season....and always.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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