So what's new with baby Nathan?
Well, he has been sleeping all night for a whole week now, which is fantastic! I am praying that will last. We have been practicing stage #1 of sleeping training, which is excellent.
He has been coo-ing a lot now. When he "talks" it sounds like "ah-goo" so I'll usually say "ah-goo" over and over when I'm trying to get him to talk to me. He understands the words "Momma, "Dadda," "Paci" and "Babbu" (bottle). He's so smart! :)
Lately, he has begun to fling the paci out of his mouth and suck his fingers instead, which I find AODRABLE! He still loves his paci...but I guess he figured out that his fingers are a little easier to handle.
He is definitely growing. I haven't checked his weight but I'm sure he's hit the 9 lb mark, which makes me happy. He is healthy, happy, and CUTE! What more can a momma ask for, right??

Awww he is so adorable and looks like such a happy baby :) Love the pictures! :)
He's such a precious darling!! It's hard to believe he's 2 months old already! Wow. Thanks for the update on what he's doing and how he's changing!!
How cute he his!! Yea for all night sleepin'! ;)
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