Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Meanderings - 07/25/2011

Bible Study... Proverbs 31

Memory Verse... Proverbs 31:29
"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."

Husband Encouragement...
♥ Encourage him in his diet
♥ Don't wear my feelings on my sleeve
♥ Pray for him.
♥ Be his friend

Train Them Up...
* Work on "Independant Play Time"
* Work on rolling over
* Begin "Church Training"

Personal Goals...
* WORK OUT this week, for heaven's sake!
* Practice music a bit more
* Study early before Nathan wakes up
* Work on scrapbook

New Habit of the Month...
* Don't react. Think. Then act.

MUST Do...
* Get Grant's suit from the cleaners
* Go grocery shopping* Go to post office
* Make peach jam and blueberry jam
* Clean house fo Saturday

Zone...  the kitchen
* Relaxing this week
* My Arbonne party Saturday!
* Maybe laying out this week?

3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. My Jesus
2. My hubby
3. My baby boy

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