Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's On My Bookshelf? - 07/12/11

Currently, I am reading "Living As a Christian" by A.W. Tozer. In this book, he goes through First Peter. Let me tell you - this book is chock full of great teaching! The chapter titles include: The Christian Believes in Things He Cannot See, The Christian is Redeemed from a Foolish Way of Life, The Christian's Life Among Non-Christians, The Christian's Presence Among the Unsaved, The Christian Believes the Whole Bible, The Christian's Relation to Government and Authority.... I could go on and on. For years, I have enjoyed reading quotes by A.W. Tozer but this was the first book of his that I bought. And thus far, I am really enjoying it.

A few years ago my Mom read this series (The Heritage of Lancaster County) by Beverly Lewis and she made me read it. Although an Amish novel wasn't really my thing (or so I thought), I got hooked immediately. Now, I am re-reading this three-book series. Currently, I am on book one. To give a short synopsis.... in Hickory Hallow, a small, Amish community in Pennsylvania, Katie Lapp makes a striking discovery about her past right before she is to marry. What follows is an intense drama that always prevents me from putting the book down. I love Katie Lapp's character and I love to see the spiritual struggle she goes through. I have particularly enjoyed reading about the ways of the Amish and how drastically different their doctrine is. It is very heartbreaking, but educational. Anyway, this is a great book and a great series that I have enjoyed and am STILL enjoying!

What's on YOUR bookshelf?


Kelli Stuart said...

WOOHOO! You know I'm always up for book discussions.

"What Is the Gospel?" Greg Gilbert, a tiny, but good read.

"Laddie" Gene Stratton Porter

and LISTENING to "The Holiness of God", R.C. Sproul EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, did I mention EXCELLENT????!!!! I think it should be required Christian reading (or listening) :)

Beth said...

Ooooh! The first and last sound awesome! What is "Laddie" about??

Kelli Stuart said...

I don't really know what to say about "Laddie." It's by the same lady that wrote "Girl of the Limberlost." It's just an old book about a little girl and her family...right up my alley :)

And "What is the Gospel" is good because it basically answers just that. It breaks it all down and to me, seems like it would be easy for someone to read who didn't grow up in church and "Christianese." Even though I've been in church my whole life and a Christian since I was six, if you think about it, it's hard to just sit down and explain what it truly is. I think the better we understand it the more effective we can be at reaching the lost.

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