Some may desire modesty yet are unsure of exactly how to put it into action.
So, I want to please God with the way I dress. But how do I do that? Their are so many clothes in the stores that are completely immodest. How do I make it work? What articles of clothing can I not wear?
I understand this question. I've wondered the same thing. And I sympathize. When I walk into a store to buy a blouse, it seems like EVERY blouse on the rack has a plunging neckline; Or a shorter bottom that will expose my tummy if I were to raise my hands. With jeans, it's hard to find a good fit that doesn't cling to my my legs like it's actually a part of my skin. What about modest shorts? Where are they?? Seems like bathing suit bottoms are all I see. And what about modest dresses and skirts? They are nearly non-existent!
So what's a girl to do? Skimming the racks for clothes that fit the "modest" criteria isn't always a simple feat. Well here is one easy tip that my sisters are amazing at! There have been times when we have been given clothes that are...well....revealing. So we came up with what we call "the layering method." Got a tank top that shows too much skin? Stick it under - or even over! - a short sleeved blouse. Got a skirt that is a little too short? Wear it over some pants (provided they are lose-fitting). Add cardigans and sweaters to your wardrobe. Wear several shirts. It can be done stylishly and easily! That way, you can make good use of the clothes you have while bringing a pleasing smile to the face of our God.
P.S. Then again, there is always the "cut-it-to-shreds-and-make-something-out of-it" method!

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